Business Meet Up #9

Come and join us at the next NCI Business Meet up on FRIDAY JUNE 11 at TRANS RESORT, SUNSET ROAD. We start at 4.30pm and we have some great speakers lined up, a dinner buffet, raffle prizes, special prices on drinks and of course, great networking opportunities!

This month’s speakers are:

IDA BAGUS RAI BUDARSA – “GUS RAI” – Owner of Hatten Wines, who will be sharing 3 approaches to fulfilling Hatten Wines’ business dreams and goals;

CHLOE ROSE QUINN, Creative Director – Make a Scene! Bali, who will be speaking about “Making A Scene: We turn ordinary into extraordinary” and:

ACHINTYA NILSEN and GAYATRI NILSEN, Co-Founders of Kerja Bakti who will be talking about the Art of Giving by Kerja Bakti

Prices are IDR 150K for NCI Members and IDR 250K for non-members.

All are welcome, so please share across your networks and tell your friends!

RSVP by June 9 to

The event is finished.


Trans Resort, Seminyak
Trans Resort, Seminyak


NCI Business Events